This is an intergeneration gathering focused on equipping us in making disciples, both through our own growth and a focus on building and investing in relationships with people we can disciple. We’ll gather for simple worship and share a time of teaching and interaction (high school through adult) while the kids (0 yrs.- 8th grade) have fun, age-specific related content. We’ll close out with a time for play together, or maybe just to finish that conversation on the question of the week.
Mission: “To ground and grow disciple makers in truth and practice.”
Come ready to connect in a new way with others here at WGC, to be equipped for discipling others, and to grow deeper in your walk with Jesus. Plus, once a month, we’ll gather earlier for a provided meal! We meet weekly from 6:30 PM- 8PM (6 p.m. for nights with a meal-see calendar tab for dates) for 12 weeks and then again January 22, 2025 for 13 weeks. Contact: Heidi at with any questions.