global outreach

World missions is a core purpose for which World Gospel Church was founded. The "World" in the church's name reflects the concern and vision of the founding pastor and members. At the initial service of the church held in January of 1957, the small congregation agreed to help support a young missionary couple, Paul & Lois Steward. That relationship and support continued throughout the couple's 40 years of service in Bolivia, South America.  

From the beginning, WGC has had an emphasis on missions. The Global Worker Committee currently provides financial support to global workers through four mission societies: One Mission Society (OMS), One Challenge International (OCI), World Gospel Mission (WGM) and Pioneers.   Church members who serve under another mission society may be supported if their society's policies and statement of faith are compatible with ours. We currently support twenty-nine global workers. Nineteen of those are serving outside the United States. Seven scholarships have been awarded to foreign nationals to attend seminaries and eventually minister in their homeland.  Other WGC committees provide prayer and financial support to local community ministries and organizations, such as: Child Evangelism, Lighthouse Mission, Crisis Pregnancy Center, Youth for Christ, and Asian Outreach.

Our support of international missions through our finances and prayers has created a sense of world wide family. Those supported by WGC families are working in evangelism, Bible studies, seminaries and Bible schools teaching, pastoral training, discipleship, medicine, education, agriculture, radio, campus ministries, and church development.

2025 WGC Global
Outreach Celebration 

Events starting November 5-9, 2025

Save the dates!   

Short-term Missions

Each year short-term mission trips provide opportunities for church members to serve the Lord around the world. This year our church family is serving on teams in Albania, Dominican Republic, Hungary, Middle East, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Spain. Short-term mission trips planned by One Challenge International (OCI), One Mission Society (OMS), Pioneers, and World Gospel Mission (WGM) can be accessed through their websites. To apply for funding for a short-term mission trip, please download an application (below). Use or other appropriate software to fill out the form. Save filled out form. Email completed form back to the church. Any additional documents can be sent as an attachment. 

Short or Full Term Missions Support Application