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"Do you want a healthy marriage? It needs to be guided by a set of healthy habits." "...pastor, marriage counselor, and best-selling author Dr. Paul David Tripp will detail the healthy habits required for a beautiful marriage while identifying the toxic habits that need to be uprooted."


Friday April 5, 6:30-8:30pm

First session

Saturday, April 6, 9:00am-3:00pm

Second, third, and fourth sessions

Includes Lunch


$10/couple pre-registration

$15/couple at the door

How to Register:

Fill out and submit the form below or sign up in the Gathering Room on Sunday mornings. 

Pay by cash or check at WGC at the Marriage Seminar table in the Gathering Room or in the church office.
Make checks out to WGC, with Marriage Seminar in the memo.

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