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Who needs to wear a mask?
All volunteers and students will be required to wear a mask while inside the building. Volunteers will not be required to wear a mask while they are teaching and 6ft away from their students.
Children under the age of two are not required or encouraged to wear a mask.
Children ages three to five are not required to wear a mask.What ages are included in the Nursery?
The nursery includes children ages newborn through five years but not yet in kindergarten.
Where will you meet?
The nursery meets in the Children’s Wing on the far southern portion of the building off of the Gathering Room.
How many nursery classes are available?
8:30 service - we have one combined nursery.
10:30 service - we have three classes available – infant nursery, toddler (walking through age 2, preschool ages 3 to 5).
How do I check in/check out of Nursery?
Parents/guardians will check in their children right outside of the Children’s Wing doors in the Gathering Room. Parents/guardians will check children in prior to the service. The nursery doors will be locked 10 minutes after the service begins and parents will need to ring the doorbell for assistance.
Parents/guardians will not be allowed into the nursery wing unless they are serving or in the case of an emergency.
Parents/guardians will be issued a pager to be used if a parent is needed during the service. Upon pick-up parents/guardians will return the pager and a nursery staff member will collect all children in that family and bring them to the parent/guardian at the nursery doors.
How will you be handling washing hands/sanitation?
Anyone over the age of two will need to use the hand sanitizer at the check in station prior to entering the Nursery. Children will be encouraged to wash hands prior to any snacks and restroom breaks. Children will be required to wash hands or use hand sanitizer when they are picked up.
Are you checking temperatures?
Parents are encouraged to check temperatures at home prior to coming to the nursery.
How will you ensure the room is clean?
As with the rest of the building, the room is wiped down with proper sterilizing cleaner after each meeting or class and between nursery hours. Toys will be separated into bins for each hour and toys will be disinfected after the end of the services for the following week. All soft toys have been removed from the nursery for the time being.
Common areas and high traffic surfaces will be wiped down between services.
Are you distributing drinks and snacks?
Toddlers and Preschoolers are requested to bring their own water bottles. WGC will provide individually wrapped snacks to each child in the toddler nursery. Snacks will not be provided in the Preschool nursery.
Kids worship
Who needs to wear a mask?
All volunteers and students in Kids Worship will be required to wear a mask while inside the building. Everyone will wear a mask outside unless they keep 6ft distance. Volunteers will not be required to wear a mask while they are teaching and 6ft away from their students.
What ages are included in Kids Worship?
Children ages Kindergarten through 3rd grade may participate in Kids Worship.
Where will you meet?
Kids Worship will meet in the lower level in L3 if under 15 kids and in the Fellowship Hall in the upper level if there are more than 15 kids.
How will I know where to pick up my students?
A sign at the stairs will indicate whether students are upstairs or downstairs, depending upon the number of students.
How will students socially distance?
Students will have Velcro dots 6 feet apart that mark designated areas for each child to sit.
How will you ensure the room is clean?
As with the rest of the building, the room is wiped down with proper sterilizing cleaner after each meeting or class.
How do I check in/check out of Kids Worship?
Parents are encouraged to check their child in with our Children's Director, Rachel D., prior to the worship service at the main sanctuary doors. This will provide parents with a pick up tag to present when they return to pick up their child(ren).
Who needs to wear a mask?
All volunteers and students in Kids Worship will be required to wear a mask while inside the building. Everyone will wear a mask outside unless they keep 6ft distance. Volunteers will not be required to wear a mask while they are teaching and 6ft away from their students.
What ages are included in Awana?
Children ages 3 years old through 8th grade.
Where will you meet?
Kids meet throughout the building in small groups - divided by Puggles (nursery for volunteers) in the Nursery, Cubbies in the Children's Wing, Sparks, in the lower level, T&T in the upper level, Trek in the Middle and High School rooms on the lower level.
How will I know where to pick up my students?
Students will all be picked up in the Gathering Room.
How will students socially distance?
Students will have chairs 6 feet apart that mark designated areas for each child to sit.
How will you ensure the room is clean?
As with the rest of the building, the room is wiped down with proper sterilizing cleaner after each meeting or class.
How do I check in/check out of Awana?
Parents are encouraged to check their child in with our Awana Commander at the check in table upon entering the south entrance.