Puggles provides nursery care for kids newborn to 2 years of age for volunteers while they serve in the Awana program.
Cubbies® celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers (3- to 5-year olds) by helping them develop respect for God, His Son and His Word and helps you lead your child to God early so your child will respect and trust Him for life.
Sparks® ignites the curiosity of early elementary-age kids to learn
about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of
wisdom for knowing Christ. Sparkies clubbers explore the biographies of
people of the Bible from a new portion of Scripture, memorize Bible
verses, complete handbook activities, and compete in fun games. Sparkies include kids ages Kindergarten through 2nd grade.
Truth and training
T&T engages third- through fifth-graders by answering their
questions about God and the Bible, guiding them through this pivotal
life stage to grow in Christ's grace. Handbooks and large-group lessons
deepen a child's knowledge about God and His Word and teach how to put
that knowledge into action in everyday life.